This sperm was formed in 2003 and previously was a musical concept that is not rooted in the formation of a band, featured Sperm humans mindless ... Dedek: guitar, Prima: bass, Cipto: vocals, Agus: drums. After repeated dating eventually CB (Collateral Bleeding) pregnant a few months and finally in the ninth month CB hatched babies ... The babies ignominious insult our agreed school out in a Demo album title "MENEBAR TERROR TAWA" contains two son who we named: "Selangkangan Nenek" and "Diparingi Utah-utahan". Then we added some songs for children in both fit in well as a demo album promo album that agreed we named "METAL CARTOON". CB also had an affair with Bob Marley, Deviated Symphony, Brutal Corpse, which causes our children contaminated by them. After a long CB undergoing the optimal dates came forth a lot of mindless children that we agreed on the album named "MANUSIA TAK BERAKAL" in 2003 contains 14 tracks, including cover songs "Mind Control Destruction" from Death Orgasm (Jogja). And after exhausting CB creates mindless children eventually experience impotence CB for 1 year and re-excited again because it gets new energy & stamina by adding human trapped in our womb Balam: Dedek: guitars, Prima: bass, Agus: drums / vocals, Kawier "Bloody Terror": vocals.
And finally we come back after an adventure of love blossomed again later yielded fetuses dying in 2005 that more mindless in our second album which DIARY 2: EMOTIONAL ANGRY, contains 14 songs including the cover song "Bayangkan" Bloody Terror (Yogyakarta) "Nyawa Tak Berharga Lagi" Balthazor (Batang). Although in our live CB cheated much my friends who happens to be a handyman having an affair would be invited fanfare aka vocals include: Andra "Dissolution", Affan Simbah "Lethal Sickness," Amman "Balthazor", Paul "Firasat", and Kawier "Bloody Terror".
After CB was satisfied his love of adventure, love turns out that as long as we live also vanished in the middle of the road because of its vacuum CB due to the abandonment of some mindless humans include loss of Cipto, followed by the departure of Prima, and Dedek was also followed as a migrant worker in Singapore ?????? ... Ohhhh ... complete already suffering the CB ... But even if CB left by the mindless human beings and that Agus just left in the position of Drum, but still many are mistresses, mistresses who want to have intercourse with CB include Daniel (guitar) and Rhomad (drums) who are victims of abduction in utero CB at the time, huh ... LHA continues Agus grasp what ????????? hahahahahaha ... it turns out in his new line-up change in the position Agus Bass & Vocals. CB's line-up was solid when it is Agus (Bass & Growl), Daniel (Guitar & Scream), Rhomad (drums).
So is the story of the human dairy mindless "Collateral Bleeding" .... Uh .. it is not over the brothers .. it's Dedek returned from overseas and strengthens CB position that had long left behind .. and by chance ... CB has plans make a third album titled, THIRD VISION: Killing YEARS. With the return of the little boy who many sins this Dedek aka CB also has a line up that most gress of the line-up - the line-up above ... Dedek: Bass / Vocal, Agus: Drums, Daniel: Guitars. And ... there are new surprises brother, comes amid record is no less a figure less air-sense, his large but cute .. here's the Ditto "Disconected" the scream additional player in CB. Half way through the human small mindless "Dedek" have wandered back to the country of Borneo, Kalimantan ... Well at the CB position is vacant Bass is finally directly filled by the likes confident men who are called sweet harab aka "Cipto" who had just returned from the State of travel in Bogor. And finally to further add to the madness, then join Ciput ex "Dissolved", which is willing to make grumbling and shouting aliases handyman growl and scream at CB's body. ...
Formation at CB gress today is :
- Agus: Drums
- Daniel: Guitar
- Cipto: Bass
- Ciput: Vocals
Formation is arguably formation which is a collection of old naughty boy he .. he .. he ... wah .. where-where even digress .... He .. he .. he .. That's all and thank you ...
Discography band (albums) :
1. Menebar Terror Tawa (Demo 2003)
2. Metal Cartoon (Demo 2003)
3. Manusia Tak Berakal (Full-length 2004)
4. Diary 2: Emotional Angry (Full-length 2005) 
5. Third Version: Killing Years (Full-length 2010)

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